Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Randy Pausch

"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play our hand" 

Everyone's heard the question before "If you knew how long you had left to live, what would you do with that time?" Many will think of things like sky diving, swimming with sharks, traveling, or just doing things we never had the courage to do before. 
Randy Pausch chose to inspire. 
Randy Pausch was a professor of computer science and human-computer interaction at Carnegie Mellon University. Given three to six months to live after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, Randy Pausch chose to embrace the life he was living and the family he loved. 
On September 18th of 2007 Mr. Pausch gave a speech called "The Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams." 
This speech instantly became a internet sensation and encouraged millions of people. It also led to him writing a book and multiple media appearances including The Oprah Show. 
His lecture and his book discuss his many attempts at achieving his childhood dreams through out life.
Both contain an optimistic outlook on life and his disease. 
Randy Pausch, in my mind, is one of the most inspirational people and I really wish I had had a chance to meet him myself. He is a personal hero of mine and is without a doubt an inspiration. 

"The key question to keep asking is, 'Are you spending your time on the right things?' Because this time is all you have"  ~Randy Pausch

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