Thursday, April 26, 2012

Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking

"My expectations were reduced to zero when I was 21. Everything since then has been a bonus."

I don't know if being a genius should necessarily make one a hero, but in my eyes, Stephen Hawking is a hero and so much more. Although he refers to those who brag about their IQ to be "losers", Hawking scored in the 200's. Having studied at both Oxford and Cambridge, he later went on to share his genius with others by working on theories and proofs.
 In 1963 he was told he would only live two more years after he was diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Instead of dying, Hawking assisted in creating theories in gravitational relativity which were based off mathematical work done by Albert Einstein. Stephen Hawking's brilliance is often compared to that of Einstein.
Hawking also has described the three qualities of a black hole (mass, angular momentum, and electrical charge) and how the Big Bang could have been followed by black holes. He created a model to show the universe with now space-time boundary, and many other scientific theories.
Hawkings has written multiple books describing his work such as "The Grand Decision" and "A Brief History of Time." He has been honored a large amount of internationally recognized awards since the 1970's including recieving the Presidential Medal of Freedom which has been awarded to such people as Mother Theresa and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
I think Stephen Hawking's hard work and focus on intellect is something to be admired, even more so his enjoyment of sharing that information as a professor. 

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