In 2005, Neha Gupta created a Empower Orphans. This program provides direct assistance around the worlds. In 2009, the United Nations estimated that there was 145 million orphans and/or abandoned children in the world.
Neha Gupta was astonished by this. She and her family would go to visit her grandparents every year in India, and while there, would volunteer at the orphanage. Neha decided she wanted to do more. when she was only nine years old, she created Empower Orphans so that the money would go directly to helping the orphans.
She has focused her efforts oBal Kunj orphanage and Shree Geeta Public School for underprivileged kids.
Empower Orphans has funded 5 libraries (15,500 books) in the area, 3 computer labs with 12 computers, a sewing center with 30 sewing machines, 25 van loads of home furnishings to improve conditions, a 4 day eye and dental clinic for 360 children, the complete education of over 50 children, and provided food, clothes, and blankets for over 1,000 children.
This is all began because of the empathy of a nine year old girl for the orphans she saw while volunteering.
To find out ways you can help visit Empower Orphans.